Integration Guides WordPress
Enabling SEO on your WordPress Site
Enabling SEO on your WordPress Site
Last updated: 10 months ago
2 minute read
David Peterman
Developer at SiteTran


Enabling Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for the languages that your website is translated to is essential for ensuring that the translated versions of your website get the same amount of traffic as your original site. Follow the steps below to enable SEO for your WordPress site.

1) Navigate to the "Pages" panel

Inside your SiteTran admin interface, click on "Pages" to navigate to the "Pages" panel.

Click on Pages tab

2) Enable SEO for the desired pages

Once inside your "Pages" panel, notice the "Use SEO" column in the "All Urls List" table:

The 'Use SEO' column

Use this column to turn on SEO for the pages you want SEO enabled on.

Select which pages to enable SEO on

1) Updating the Cache

Enabling SEO for a page generates a static file with the translations. If you add translations to a page after enabling SEO, the cache for that page needs to be updated so that your latest changes are added to the page.

To do so, first, navigate to the "Pages" tab in the SiteTran plugin admin site.

Navigate to Pages tab

Once inside the "Pages" tab, click on the "Update Cache" button for the pages that need to be updated with the newly added translations.

Click update for the pages that need to be updated

This will update the content of the pages.

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