Translator Docs SiteTran Tools and Good Translation Practices
Keyboard Shortcuts - Translator Interface

Keyboard Shortcuts - Translator Interface

Last updated: 4 days ago
5 minute read
Michael Litvak
Translator Liason at SiteTran


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Here are some Keyboard Shortcuts in the Translator Interface that you may find useful!

Command Shortcut Description Button
Save Phrase Enter Key (↩) Saves the Phrase and chooses the next phrase. Translation textarea must be focused (selected). save phrase button
Approve Phrase Ctrl/⌘ + Enter Key Approves & saves the phrase, choosing the next text box. Translation textarea must be focused (selected). blue checkmark approved
Insert Source Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + s Copies & pastes the original phrase into the translation text box. Translation textarea must be focused (selected). copy phrase in source language icon
Show/Hide Multilingual View Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + m Toggles visibility of the multilingual view under the phrase/translation. Translation textarea must be focused (selected). multilingual view icon
Copy Google MT Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + g Copies the MT from Google. To paste, choose the text box again and Ctrl/⌘ + v Copy Google MT
Copy DeepL MT Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + d Copies the MT from DeepL. To paste, choose the text box again and Ctrl/⌘ + v Copy Deepl MT
Copy OpenAI Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + o Copies the MT from OpenAI. To paste, choose the text box again and Ctrl/⌘ + v Copy OpenAI MT

Some Generally Useful Shortcuts:

Command Shortcut Description
In Page Search Ctrl/⌘ + f When used in browser, opens a search bar for the page
Switch between windows Alt + Tab If you have multiple windows open, you can switch between them
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